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Princes Town East Secondary

School Library Media Center

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; we are here to do just that. PTESS SLMC serves as a vessel to project our passions, and clue in our loyal readers as to what inspires us daily. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

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Ascension commemorates the day that Jesus ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:1-11) after spending 40 days appearing to his disciples after his...

National Wine Day

National Wine Day seeks to celebrate and promote wine. Wine is an alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice. This day highlights...

Towel Day

Towel Day seeks to honor and pay tribute to the author Douglas Adams. Douglas Adams was an English author best known for his work, The...

World Otter Day

World Otter Day seeks to raise awareness about otters. Otters are carnivorous mammals within the Lutrinae subfamily. They are...

National Brother Day

National Brother Day seeks to celebrate brothers. This day aims to appreciate male siblings and their contributions to their families. It...

International Tea Day

Why drink tea? Tea is a beverage made from the Camellia sinesis plant. Tea is the world’s most consumed drink, after water. It is...

World Bee Day

World Bee Day seeks to raise awareness about the importance of bees. Bees are important insects that help preserve balance within...

Endangered Species Day

Endangered Species Day seeks to raise awareness about endangered species. The term endangered means that that species is likely to become...

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