Children of the Spider is a fast-paced adventure, that brings an interesting blend of Afro-Caribbean and greek myth in a riveting contemporary novel. The story follows two Amerindian children, Mayali who is actually a girl from another world and the tech-savvy deaf-mute Joseph as they are being chased by the power-hungry Spider gods from the land of Zolpash. The story moves from the lush hinterlands of Guyana through to the bustling, city of Georgetown where the colonial past continues to rub shoulders with the gritty, contemporary world. It is a refreshing take on Caribbean myth and mythology from an interesting new voice. Children of the Spider won first place in the 2015 Burt Award for Caribbean Literature.
Why this book? ( according to Joanne C. Hillhouse )
Each book listed – including mine – was a top-three finalist for the Burt Award for teen/young adult Caribbean fiction. Children of the Spider stands apart as a blend of fantasy adventure and Caribbean folklore, its teen protagonists on their world-saving mission. It moves from the jungles of Guyana to the city, which is another kind of jungle, and has a fresh take on the legendary West African demi-god Anansi. These kids (a girl who makes a desperate leap between worlds, a boy not slowed by his handicap, and a boy from the streets) have nothing but each other and a trickster spider, maybe, as they face down monsters which seem to be everywhere. It’s an adrenaline rush across a magical landscape. It’s the Anansi reboot for me!