Check out these fun facts related to bread and share them with friends or family members in honor of National Homemade Bread Day:
As a wartime conservation effort, ore-sliced bread was banned in the United States for a time in 1943, in an effort to allow other work to be done. As it turned out, it wasn’t very meaningful or helpful so it didn’t last.
In 2015, a loaf of bread baked at the Milan Expo in Italy was declared the largest in the world by the folks at Guinness World Records. It measured 400 feet long (122 meters) and was baked in a special oven. After baking, it was slathered with Nutella and served to the people at the Expo.
In Ancient Egypt, bread was so vital to the way of life and culture that it was sometimes used as a form of currency. They also were known to place it at the head of the tombs of their dead loved ones so that they would have access to it in their afterlife.
One Scandinavian tradition states that if a boy and a girl eat from the same loaf of bread, they are destined to fall in love with each other.