ptessslmcMar 7, 20231 min readWorld Wildlife DayWorld Wildlife Day seeks to celebrate the world's plants and animals while raising awareness of issues that impact wildlife. Wildlife...
ptessslmcMar 7, 20231 min readNational Cereal Day National Cereal Day seeks to promote the crunchy complement to milk. Cereal is made from processed grains which consist of cultivated...
ptessslmcFeb 27, 20231 min readExam Revision TipsAs exams gets closer, let's start preparing with a few tips from :
ptessslmcFeb 27, 20231 min readInternational Polar Bear DayInternational Polar Bear Day on February 27 raises awareness on the issues facing polar bears and the ways in which we can reduce our...
ptessslmcFeb 27, 20232 min readNATIONAL POKEMON DAYThe Pokemon phenomenon never dies — and it doesn’t fade away, either. Just a few years after the Pokemon craze came and supposedly went,...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20231 min readPAN PIONEERSThe list of those who have pioneered innovations in the steelpan is comprehensive. The most prominent on that list include individuals...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20235 min readTHE STEEL BANDHISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE STEEL BAND INTRODUCTION The steel pan is the national instrument of Trinidad and Tobago. It is the most...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20232 min readRAPSORapso is a style of poetry, blended with calypso that expresses the experiences of everyday people. The late Lancelot Layne is one of the...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20232 min readSOCAORIGINS OF SOCA The soca genre emerged in the 1970s when calypsonian Lord Shorty (Garfield Blackman) began experimenting with East Indian...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20233 min readTHE EVOLUTION OF CALYPSO MUSICTHE RISE OF CALYPSO Calypso has earned its place in history as the national folk song of Trinidad and Tobago and the music of the...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20233 min readCALYPSO MUSIC IN TRINIDAD AND TOBAGOORIGIN OF THE TERM 'CALYPSO' The term 'calypso' arose after the art form had been in existence for sometime. Initially the majority of...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20236 min readCARNIVAL GLOSSARYBaby Doll The Baby Doll is a traditional carnival character depicting a masked woman holding a doll, in imitation of a new mother. She...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20237 min readMAS PIONEERSTrinidad Carnival is many things – music, colour, movement, but above all, it is the spectacle of the masquerade. Thousands of costumed...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20233 min readCARNIVAL IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURYThe first two decades of the twentieth century marked the gradual re-entry of the upper classes into the festival, after having withdrawn...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20232 min readTHE JAMETTE CARNIVALThis term was used by the French and English to describe the Carnival celebrations of the African population during the period 1860 to...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 202310 min readTRADITIONAL CARNIVAL CHARACTERSThe stories behind the traditional Carnival characters lend meaning and significance to these unusual portrayals. Often an individual...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20233 min readCarnival in Trinidad and Tobago courtesy NALIS' Subject Guide“MAMA DIS IS MAS” INTRODUCTION Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago is one of grandeur, colour, revelry, rhythm, and gaiety. Evolving over the...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20232 min readSusan B. Anthony DaySusan B. Anthony Day is celebrated on February 15 every year. This day marks the birth of Susan Brownell Anthony, who was one of the most...
ptessslmcFeb 15, 20232 min readWorld Hippo DayWorld Hippo Day on February 15 celebrates the extraordinary hippopotamus and encourages people to take action to prevent its extinction....