ptessslmcSep 13, 20211 min readFORM 1 Registration at PTESSREGISTRATION NOTICE - Tuesday 14th September, 2021. Click the link below to acquire the correct time you are to come in. Please all...
ptessslmcSep 13, 20211 min readGanesha UtsavAs the Hindu committee observes the Ganesha Utsav period, we share this post from the SDMS explaining the form of Ganesha - one of the...
ptessslmcSep 13, 20214 min readChildren and Dogs safety!!You can reduce the risk of dog bites and other injuries by closely supervising children and dogs when they’re together and especially...
ptessslmcSep 13, 20211 min readVirtual tour : Emperor Valley Zoo , Trinidad With the current panademic restrictions, lets join Hardeo Roopan and he takes us virtually through the Emperor Valley Zoo.
ptessslmcSep 13, 20211 min readNational Bald is Beautiful Day Some celebrities have really shown us the bald can be beautiiful . Do you agree ?
ptessslmcSep 13, 20211 min readLet's make Peanut brittle!!Peanut brittle is so easy to make and incredibly delicious. It's a great recipe for any time of year, especially the Holidays. 1 cup of...
ptessslmcSep 13, 20211 min readNational Peanut Day September 13th Here’s 10 fun facts about peanuts and peanut butter that you may not know: It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut...
ptessslmcSep 12, 20211 min readRemembering September 11In remembrance of those who lost their lives tragically on September 11.