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Princes Town East Secondary

School Library Media Center

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; we are here to do just that. PTESS SLMC serves as a vessel to project our passions, and clue in our loyal readers as to what inspires us daily. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

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Manatee Appreciation Day

Manatee Appreciation Day seeks to raise awareness about the herbivorous sea cows. Manatees are aquatic mammals that mostly eat plants....

International Waffle Day

International Waffle Day began as a celebration in Sweden, but it soon spread to many other countries in Europe and other continents as...

World Tuberculosis Day

World Tuberculosis Day, also known as World TB Day, seeks to raise awareness for Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a bacterial infectious...

World Meteorological Day

World Meteorological Day seeks to commemorate the Convention of 1950 which established the World Meteorological Organization. The World...

National Puppy Day

National Puppy Day seeks to celebrate the unconditional love that puppies bring to people's lives. Puppies are young dogs. Depending on...

World Water Day

World Water Day seeks to raise awareness about issues relating to water such as water shortages and sanitation problems. This day aims to...


Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان‎ ) is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims abstain from eating and...

World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day seeks to promote linguistic diversity and expression through poetry. This day encourages writing poetry and aims to...

World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day seeks to raise awareness about the genetic disorder. Down syndrome is a naturally occurring chromosomal...

World Consumer Rights Day

World Consumer Rights Day seeks to raise global awareness about consumer rights and needs. This day demands that the rights of all...

Pi Day

Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant π (pi), 3.141592653... Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. The...

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