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Princes Town East Secondary

School Library Media Center

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; we are here to do just that. PTESS SLMC serves as a vessel to project our passions, and clue in our loyal readers as to what inspires us daily. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

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School Principals’ Day

If you’re like most people, then you probably don’t give much thought to the principal of your child’s school. Not unless your child has...

Doing storyboards

Storyboarding is an incredibly powerful tool for visual communication. Creating a storyboard brings words from the page to life, and...


On April 25th, we observe National Telephone Day. Around the world, there are 9.82 billion mobile phones. And while some predicted the...

Trinbago Folklore :Douens

A douen (pronounced liked dwen-rhymes with Gwen) is a character of folklore best known for having feet that face backwards. They are also...

Denim Day

Denim Day seeks to protest sexual violence. This day aims to educate others about forms of sexual violence. It encourages everyone to...

Administrative Professionals’ Day

Administrative Professionals’ Day seeks to celebrate and show appreciation for administrative professionals. This includes secretaries,...

World Penguin Day

World Penguin Day seeks to celebrate the aquatic, flightless birds. Penguins are critical to their ecosystems as they serve as both...

World Malaria Day

World Malaria Day seeks to raise awareness about malaria, one of the world’s deadliest diseases. Malaria is a disease of the blood that...


DNA Day seeks to commemorate the discovery of DNA’s double helix in 1953. DNA is a molecule that contains the genetic instructions...

World Immunization Week

World Immunization Week seeks to promote vaccines as an effective way to protect people against disease. This day aims to educate and...

World Book and Copyright Day

World Book and Copyright Day seeks to raise awareness about the benefits of reading books. This day aims to highlight the power of books...

Spanish Language Day

Spanish Language Day seeks to increase awareness about the history, culture, and achievements of the Spanish language. Spanish is a...

English Language Day

English Language Day seeks to increase awareness about the history, culture, and achievements of the English language. English is a...

Earth Day

Earth Day seeks to highlight and promote efforts dedicated to the protection of the environment. As we enter the 21st century, we face...

World Creativity and Innovation Day

World Creativity and Innovation Day seeks to raise awareness about the role of creativity and innovation in human development. This day...

World Heritage Day

World Heritage Day, which is also known as the International Monuments and Sites Day, celebrates the work carried out by the ICOMOS –...

International Day of Pink

International Day of Pink seeks to create a more inclusive and diverse world. This day encourages people to challenge social norms, ask...

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