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International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI)

International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI) aims to highlight the importance of access to information as a cornerstone of democratic societies. This day focuses on promoting informed, empowered, and inclusive societies that can engage in public decision-making processes and development agendas. It also underlines the need for governments to promote open governance by providing timely and accurate information to the public, ensuring transparency and accountability.

The establishment of IDUAI dates back to November 2015, when UNESCO's General Conference adopted a resolution to declare September 28 as the official commemoration date. In the USA, it brings to public attention the role of media, government agencies, and civil society in ensuring transparent, accountable governance and nurturing a culture of openness. It serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the right to access information enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and the Freedom of Information Act, which enables citizens to access government-controlled records and information.

In America, the observance involves different types of events and initiatives organized by stakeholders such as media outlets, academic institutions, and civil society organizations. These include webinars, panel discussions, and educational workshops that focus on enhancing the public's understanding of their right to access information and promoting government transparency. By embracing IDUAI, the United States reinforces its commitment to upholding democratic values and fostering an informed society where citizens can effectively participate in public discourse, influence policy decisions, and hold decision-makers accountable. The International Day for Universal Access to Information is observed annually on September 28th.

Facts about this observance

The theme for International Day for Universal Access to information in 2022 was Artifical Intelligence, e-Governance and Access to Information.

Public access to information can enhance the protection of human rights, bring about better governance, including by fighting corruption, and drive sustainable development. - Moez Chakchouk

More than 90% of Americans have internet access, with 77% reporting broadband access at home.

A few large corporations control most of the media in America, raising concerns about bias, lack of diversity and restriction of the free flow of information.

Though access to information in America is widespread, there still exists a considerable division between those who can afford new technologies and those who cannot. This disparity leads to inequalities in access to information.

While access to information is crucial, it is also balanced against copyright laws and intellectual property rights, preventing the unauthorized duplication and distribution of creative works.

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