History of We Jump The World Day
The origin of Parkour can be traced back to Western Europe, where George Hebert, a French Naval Officer, was ruminating on his time among the indigenous tribes of Africa. He discovered that without any formal training, they had beautifully tuned bodies that were graceful, nimble, skillful, and all of this the result of the way they lived their lives, nothing more. He would revisit these experiences during a rescue operation on Mount Pelee, his experiences there confirming in his mind that courage and altruism were intrinsic parts of athletic skill.
David Belle would not be born for 37 years after he reached these conclusions, but he would come upon these studies as the result of exploring his own father’s successes in athletics and gymnastics. He would discover a method of training that his father used called “Parcours,” which he then began practicing himself. It wouldn’t be long before he started expanding this philosophy to the world and sharing the art of what would become known as parkour.
How to celebrate We Jump The World Day
Parkour may be an art form that is focused on the honing and expansion of the bodies abilities, but it is built on the philosophy that obstacles in our lives can nourish us through our efforts to conquer them. Further, that the best way to surmount an obstacle is to use the most natural and energy efficient methods possible. If you aren’t interested in pursuing the art of parkour yourself, it is still a good opportunity to watch videos of the people who do and perhaps spend some time reading to understand exactly what drives these remarkable athletes.
(Source: https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/we-jump-the-world-day/)