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Princes Town East Secondary

School Library Media Center

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; we are here to do just that. PTESS SLMC serves as a vessel to project our passions, and clue in our loyal readers as to what inspires us daily. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

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Devil's Woodyard Volcano

Devil's Woodyard is one of the most visited locations of Trinidad's many mud volcanoes. Located in Hindustan in New Grant near Princes...

Tik Tok's Latest Trend : Vogue Challenge

Original sound: Jackboys - Travis Scott Tags: #voguechallenge #vogue #voguemagazine #voguecoverchallenge #voguetrend As a business, you...

September Birthday : Zendaya !!

Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman is an American actress and singer. She is the recipient of numerous accolades, including a Primetime Emmy...

About Janet Morrison

Janet Morrison is a North Carolina author. Writing nonfiction and historical fiction let her combine two of her favorite things --...

Read Aloud !!

This International Literacy Day, children from across the globe join us in reading a story together. Stay tuned as these young narrators...

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